Monday, February 13, 2017

Winter blahs

I'm suffering from the winter blahs.
I have several projects that need to be finished up but
lack the enthusiasm to finish them.
I need to add borders to a couple but I can't measure them 
correctly because I don't have the table space to have them laid out properly.
My knees won't allow me to get on the floor to measure the center and the sides.
I want to make larger quilts but will have to figure out a solution to this problem.


This morning I made another zippered purse for myself.
I picked up a very cute butterfly print at Mara's a few weeks ago.
It has purple and gold butterflies on it, I fell in love with the purple one!

I usually use the same format for the front as on the back but
this time I used the full pattern for the back to better show the butterfly.

I enjoyed making this one and am extremely glad that I was
able to insert the zipper correctly on this one. So many
times it is hit or miss with the zipper.

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