Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013


While working on my "organic" quilting
I hurt my sewing machine!
I guess I somehow bent something by the bobbin case and 
the machine started making strange noises. Also the walking foot
would also lock up the screw holding the needle in and then the 
needle would fall out.
So I took it to my "guy" and he is working on it now.
So what to do while my machine is getting her insides worked on?
I thought and thought. Everytime I would think of something to do,
it would involve sewing on the machine. 
Since the desk is so empty,
I decided to straighten up my boxes of projects that need to be finished and found 
my Halloween doll quilt or wallhanging that needed to be hand quilted.
Yeah! It was already pinned and ready to go.
Simple stitch in the ditch.

After finishing the center I decided to add spiderwebs in each corner.
I hand drew one in the corner and will probably add spiders on the border also.
I don't usually draw lines for my quilting as I can't draw a straight line, 
but how can you mess up a web? Lol!!!
My machine will be ready by Wednesday
and I will no longer have an empty desk.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Skittles favorite spot

This is where Skittles likes to sit
while I'm on the computer. Though at the moment
he is on my shoulder!!!!

Doll quilts and organic quilting

Still working on my half-square triangle doll quilt.
So while it snows outside I'm snug in the house 
stitching away.
I wanted to add a 1 inch border and since I always have 
trouble with that small width I decided to mark the fabric at 
1/4 inch so I have a good 1 inch finished border. My sewing 
foot is not quite 1/4 inch so I need something to guide me.
A 1/4 inch foot is one feature I will want if I ever get another machine.

I added all the borders and it is now hanging with my other 
unfinished doll quilts.
These include the finished Sweet Dreams doll quilt
and an unfinished pink squares doll quilt 
(still thinking of what to do about borders for that one)
and the halloween doll quilt.

I love the "butterscotch" color of this border fabric.

After finishing up this quilt I decided to try "organic" machine quilting
on my blue baby quilt that I had pinned and waiting for hand quilting.

I like the look of this type of machine quilting in the pics I've seen posted at 
several sites.
So I went with it and started stitching.
I hope I don't end up with a ruined baby quilt.

I do see some wrinkling toward the bottom of the row.
It is probably because I am rushing the machine too much.
Keeping my fingers crossed that this works out ok.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Half square triangles

This last week I worked on this doll quilt, using
some of my Year 2000 2 1/2 inch squares.
(I may have these until Year 3000!)

This is what I made.

I did do the windmill trick with the corners on the
back of the quilt top. (Only another quilter
would understand what I'm talking about! :)  )
but they are time consuming
and difficult to do so in this next quilt I'm not going to attempt
doing them.
 I am going to add a border of a gold fabric possibly with a blue
binding. I am following an inspiration quilt and want to make it just like
she did.