Went to JoAnn's yesterday, and discovered that Christmas shopping is in full force!
It was jammed packed with shoppers!
I picked up a pillow form and was able to finish
my Trick or Treat pillow this morning.
It's now ready and waiting for next year!!!!!
Poor Skittles is looking a little sleepy! He'll be unhappy when I want to finish quilting
my Sweet Dreams doll quilt!!!
Speaking of my Sweet Dreams quilt
here is a picture of the quilting I've done so far.
The blue marking my quilting pattern washes out. It is there
just to show me where to do my hand quilting.
I'm finding it is slow going, my carpal tunnel in my left hand
is really bothered with the quilting. So I'm only doing a little at a time.
This was made from a few leftover pink squares that I used for a baby quilt
I made last year. Doll quilts are good ways to use up leftovers.