I had to work on the fourth.
Yeah, that sucks.
I decided to make hamburgers and pasta salad for dinner that night.
Simple, you say.
Yeah, not for me.
I was so tired and hot after work that I treated myself to an ice cream cone on the way home.
Chocolate, yeah! )
Feeling sorry for yourself does have its rewards.
When I got home hubby was gone to a party and wasn't to be back until 5.
Well, I never heard him come home.
I was out, sleeping like a log until 6:30. :(
It was too late to cook and hubby had eaten at the party. I wasn't that hungry.
Fast forward to Monday.
Hubby, lucky man had a 3 day (yeah, 3 day!) weekend, but he was busy doing odd jobs.
I decided to make the pasta salad and hamburgers.
Plans don't go like we want.
When I was making the salad I realized I didn't have two ingredients that were important
for the completion of said salad. Since it was 3000 degrees outside and I was still
vaguely anti-social from having to deal with crowds for the holiday, there was NO way
I was going to go out and get the two ingredients. :)
So fast forward to Tuesday.
I had to work the evening shift, so no cooking that night.
So fast forward to tonight.
Yeah! I finally got to finish making the pasta salad, but wait!
I took one more look at the recipe..............
ugh! I had gotten the wrong cheese!
I threw in the cheese I had and called it a day!
Hubby and I enjoyed it anyway.